Booth Hansen
Chicago, IL
16,500 sqft
Farm on Ogden
This adaptive re-use of an old warehouse building in the Lawndale community was converted into a new urban farm that continues to create new jobs and organic fresh food.
Some statistic from Windy City Harvest concerning the operation of the Farm during the first year:
-10,000 tours -VeggieRx prescriptions (produce and cooking/nutrition classes) for 500 individuals
-3400 heads of lettuce harvested, packed and distributed per week through VeggieRx, FOO Retail Store & Wholesaler
-Aggregated and distributed 130,000 pounds of produce from Windy City Harvest farm sites
-Retail market earned 85% over projections
-Employed 45 teens per year
-Employed full-time 35 justice involved adults per year
-Trained 20 apprentices per year earning certificates in sustainable agriculture